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The section will tell you how to config an intranet asset and connect to your intranet asset. Casvisor uses NAT traversal technology to connect to your intranet asset. You need to deploy a Casvisor agent in your intranet machine. After the agent is connected to the Casvisor server, you can both connect to the intranet RDP asset by Casvisor web UI and other tools like mstsc.

Config Casvisor server

If you want start the NAT traversal service, you need to add gatewayEndpoint in conf/app.conf.

  • The host is your Casvisor server public IP or domain.
  • The port is the port that listens to the Casvisor agent connection request.

For example:

gatewayEndpoint =

Config intranet asset

Fill in the required fields that connect to your intranet asset.

  • Name: The hostname of the intranet machine. When the casvisor starts, it connects to the database to check whether the current hostname is the name of an asset, and if so, it starts in agent mode. So, make sure to fill in the correct hostname.
  • Category: The category of the asset, select Machine.
  • Protocol: The protocol of the asset, select RDP.
  • Gateway port: The port in the Casvisor server that listens to the user's connection request.

For example, fill in Gateway port with 7000. Then the user can connect to the intranet machine by:

ssh <Username>@<Casvisor server public IP> -p 7000
  • Endpoint: Unlike public assets, the endpoint needs to be filled in with the application address of the private network. If you want to use SSH or RDP to connect to the host, enter
  • Port: The port of the application in the intranet machine. Port 3389 is used by RDP and 22 by SSH by default. If you have a custom port, fill in your custom port.
  • Username: The username of the application.
  • Password: The password of the application.


Deploy Casvisor agent

You need to deploy a Casvisor on the host to which you are connected in the intranet. As mentioned in the previous chapter, when the casvisor starts, it connects to the database to check whether the current hostname is the name of an asset, and if so, it starts in agent mode. So the must configurations in the agent Casvisor conf/app.conf are below:

httpport = 19000
driverName =
dataSourceName =
dbName =
gatewayEndpoint =

It is recommended that you can copy the same configuration file conf/app.conf in the server Casvisor directly.