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Server Installation


Casvisor server uses Casdoor as the authentication and authorization system. So you need to install Casdoor first. If you haven't installed Casdoor, please refer to Casdoor Installation.


You have installed Casdoor, now you need to do some necessary configuration in Casdoor in order to use Casvisor.

Create an organization

First, you need to create an organization (Except for the build-in) in Casdoor. The organization page is at User Management -> Organizations. And you can create an organization by clicking the add button.

create organization

Create an application

You need to create an application for Casvisor in Casdoor. The application page is at Identity -> Applications. And you can create an application by clicking the add button.

create application

Required fields:

  1. Home: The host of Casvisor server, e.g. http://localhost:16001.
  2. Ognization: The organization you created in the previous step.
  3. Callback URLs: The callback URL of Casvisor server, e.g. http://localhost:16001/callback. You can add multiple callback URLs by clicking the add button. These are the urls that is allowed to be redirected after login.

application edit


Casvisor uses guacamole-server to provide remote desktop access. If you want to use this feature, you need to install guacamole-server first. If you haven't installed guacamole-server, please refer to guacamole-server Installation.

You can also run guacd in docker with the following command:

docker run -d --name guacd -p 4822:4822 guacamole/guacd


The source code of Casvisor is hosted on GitHub: Both the Go backend code and React frontend code are contained in a single repository.

NameDescriptionLanguageSource code
FrontendWeb frontend UI for CasdoorJavaScript + React
BackendRESTful API backend for CasdoorGolang + Beego + XORM

Casvisor supports Go Modules. To download the code, simply clone the code using git:

git clone



The configuration file of Casvisor backend located at conf/app.conf. You need to modify the following fields:


Modify dataSourceName to your own database connection string. Casvisor will create a database named casvisor if it doesn't exist.

driverName = mysql
dataSourceName = root:123456@tcp(localhost:3306)/
dbName = casvisor

Connect Casdoor

Modify casdoorEndpoint, clientID, clientSecret, casdoorOrganization and casdoorApplication to your own Casdoor configuration. You can get the clientID and clientSecret from the application page that you created in the previous step.

casdoorEndpoint = http://localhost:8000
clientId = c34fdf145f41313727a8
clientSecret = 615c503d4552d24a40360cf908b6d17e3b7f8832
casdoorOrganization = "casbin"
casdoorApplication = "app-casvisor"


In web/src/conf.js, you need to modify the following fields:

    export const AuthConfig = {
serverUrl: "http://localhost:8000",
clientId: "c34fdf145f4131b727a8",
appName: "app-casvisor",
organizationName: "casbin",
redirectPath: "/callback",


Before running Casvisor, make sure Casdoor is running.


In production, you need to build the frontend code first, then run the backend code.

Build frontend

cd web
yarn install
yarn build

After building successfully, the frontend bundle will be generated in web/build directory.

Run backend

go build

Visit backend server at http://localhost:19000.



If you use nginx as a reverse proxy, you need to add the following configuration to the nginx configuration file:

location / {
*** your configuration ***
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

Because Casvisor uses websocket to communicate with guacd.


In development, you need to run the frontend code and backend code at the same time.

Run frontend

cd web
yarn install
yarn start

Run backend

go build

Visit frontend server http://localhost:16001.